Ultrafast Spectroscopy: Quantum information and wavepackets
Joel Yuen-Zhou, Jacob J. Krich, Ivan Kassal, Allan S. Johnson, and Alán Aspuru-Guzik
IOP Publishing, Bristol, UK (2014).
[pdf available from publisher’s website]
- Absorption spectrum of doped highly mismatched alloys
Hassan Allami and Jacob J. Krich
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Journal of Chemical Physics 158 234201 (2023) [pdf ©AIP] - On the conversion between recombination rates and electronic defect parameters in semiconductors
Mattias Klaus Juhl, Friedemann D. Heinz, Gianluca Coletti, Fiacre E. Rougieux, Chang Sun, Michelle V. Contreras, Tim Niewelt, Jacob J. Krich, Martin C. Schubert
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics (2023) [pdf ©IEEE] - Separating single-from multi-particle dynamics in nonlinear spectroscopy
Pavel Malý, Julian Lüttig, Peter A. Rose, Arthur Turkin, Christoph Lambert, Jacob J. Krich, Tobias Brixner
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Gavin P. Forcade, Christopher E. Valdivia, Sean Molesky, Shengyuan Lu, Alejandro W. Rodriguez, Jacob J. Krich, Raphael St-Gelais, Karin Hinzer
Applied Physics Letters 121 193903 (2022) [pdf ©AIP] - Light management in ultra-thin photonic power converters for 1310 nm laser illumination
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Optics Express 30 23417 (2022) [pdf ©Optica] - Lossless plasmons in highly mismatched alloys
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Applied Physics Letters 120 252102 (2022) [pdf ©AIP] arXiv:2204.05970 - InGaN quantum dot superlattices as ratchet band solar cells
Luc Robichaud and Jacob J. Krich
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 12 474 (2022) [pdf ©IEEE, erratum] - Efficient Fourier space quantum dot k.p for wurtzite systems including smooth alloy profile and spatially varying elastic and dielectric constants
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M. N. Beattie, C. E. Valdivia, M. M. Wilkins, M. Zamiri, K. L. C. Kaller, M. C. Tam,
H. S. Kim, J. J. Krich, Z. R. Wasilewski, and K. Hinzer
Applied Physics Letters 118 062101 (2021) [pdf ©AIP] - Plasma frequency in doped highly mismatched alloys
Hassan Allami and Jacob J. Krich
Physical Review B 103 035201 (2021); arXiv:2010.15953 [pdf ©APS] - Automatic Feynman diagram generation for nonlinear optical spectroscopies and application to fifth-order spectroscopy with pulse overlaps
Peter A. Rose and Jacob J. Krich
Journal of Chemical Physics 154 034109 (2021); arXiv:2008.05081. [pdf ©AIP]
Code available at github - Efficient numerical method for predicting nonlinear optical spectroscopies of open systems
Peter A. Rose and Jacob J. Krich
Journal of Chemical Physics 154 034108 (2021); arXiv:2008.05082. [pdf ©AIP]
Code available at github - Two-Photon Photocurrent in InGaN/GaN Nanowire Intermediate Band Solar Cells
Ross Cheriton, Sharif M. Sadaf, Luc Robichaud, Jacob J. Krich, Zetian Mi,
and Karin Hinzer
Communications Materials 1 63 (2020); [pdf CC-BY4.0] - Efficiency increase in multijunction monochromatic photovoltaic devices due to luminescent coupling
Daixi Xia and Jacob J. Krich
Journal of Applied Physics 128 013101 (2020); arXiv:2004.00081 [pdf ©AIP]. - Efficiency limits of electronically coupled upconverter and quantum ratchet solar cells using detailed balance
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Journal of Computational Electronics 19 111-127 (2020); arXiv:1905.11303
[pdf ©Springer] Code available at github - Fundamental efficiency bounds for the conversion of a radiative heat engine’s own emission into work
Andreas Pusch, Jeffrey M. Gordon, Alex Mellor, Jacob J. Krich, and Nicholas J. Ekins-Daukes, Physical Review Applied 12 064018 (2019); [pdf ©APS] - Numerical Method for Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopies:
Ultrafast Ultrafast Spectroscopy
Peter A. Rose and Jacob J. Krich
Journal of Chemical Physics 150 214105 (2019); arXiv:1902.07854;
[pdf ©AIP] Code at github - Efficient wave optics modeling of nanowire solar cells using rigorous coupled wave analysis
Kyle W. Robertson, Ray R. LaPierre, and Jacob J. Krich
Optics Express 27 A133 (2019); arXiv:1810.12968 [pdf ©OSA] - Opportunities for increased efficiency in monochromatic photovoltaic light conversion
D. Xia, M. M. Wilkins, S. S. Chahal, C. E. Valdivia, K. Hinzer, and J. J. Krich,
7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (2018). [pdf ©IEEE] - Optical Optimization of Passivated GaAs Nanowire Solar Cells
Kyle W. Robertson, Ray R. LaPierre, and Jacob J. Krich
44th IEEE Photovoltaics Specialists Conference (2017). [pdf ©IEEE] - Optimizations of GaAs nanowire solar cells
A. H. Trojnar, C. E. Valdivia, R. R. LaPierre, K. Hinzer, and J. J. Krich
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A. Krishna and J. J. Krich
Journal of Optics 18 074010 (2016). [pdf ©IOP] (Special issue on advanced solar cell technology) - Optimization of GaAs nanowire solar cell efficiency via optoelectronic modeling
A. H. Trojnar, C. E. Valdivia, K. M. Azizur-Rahman, R. R. LaPierre, K. Hinzer, and J. J. Krich
42nd IEEE Photovoltaics Specialists Conference (2015) [pdf ©IEEE] - Targeted Search for Effective Intermediate Band Solar Cell Materials
Joseph T. Sullivan, Christie B. Simmons, Tonio Buonassisi, and Jacob J. Krich
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 5 212 (2015). [pdf ©IEEE] - Practical Witness for Electronic Coherences
Allan S. Johnson, Joel Yuen-Zhou, Alán Aspuru-Guzik, and Jacob J. Krich
Journal of Chemical Physics 141 244109 (2014); arXiv:1408.3121 [pdf ©AIP] - Picosecond carrier recombination dynamics in chalcogen-hyperdoped silicon
M. Sher, C. B. Simmons, J. J. Krich, A. J. Akey, M. T. Winkler, D. Recht, T. Buonassisi, M. J. Aziz, and A. M. Lindenberg
Applied Physics Letters 105 053905 (2014). [pdf SM ©AIP] - Coherent exciton dynamics in supramolecular light-harvesting nanotubes revealed by ultrafast quantum process tomography
Joel Yuen-Zhou, Dylan H. Arias, Dorthe M. Eisele, Colby P. Steiner, Jacob J. Krich, Moungi Bawendi, Keith A. Nelson, and Alán Aspuru-Guzik
ACS Nano 8 5527 (2014); arXiv:1308.4566 [pdf SM ©ACS] - Modeling intermediate band solar cells: a roadmap to high efficiency
Jacob J. Krich, Anna H. Trojnar, Liang Feng, Karin Hinzer, and Alexandre W. Walker
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C. B. Simmons, Austin J. Akey, Jacob J. Krich, Joseph T. Sullivan, Daniel Recht, Michael J. Aziz, and Tonio Buonassisi
Journal of Applied Physics 114 243514 (2013). [pdf ©AIP] - Methodology for vetting heavily doped semiconductors for intermediate band photovoltaics: a case study in sulfur-hyperdoped silicon
J. T. Sullivan, C. B. Simmons, J. J. Krich, A. J. Akey, D. Recht, M. J. Aziz, and T. Buonassisi
Journal of Applied Physics 114 103701 (2013). [pdf ©AIP] - Preparation of Non-equilibrium Nuclear Spin States in Double Quantum Dots
M. Gullans, J. J. Krich, J. M. Taylor, B. I. Halperin, and M. D. Lukin
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Ariel Amir*, Jacob J. Krich*, Vincenzo Vitelli, Yuval Oreg, and Yoseph Imry
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Jacob J. Krich
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Joel Yuen-Zhou, Jacob J. Krich, and Alán Aspuru-Guzik
Journal of Chemical Physics 36 234501 (2012); arXiv:1203.6349. [pdf ©AIP]] - Nonradiative lifetimes in intermediate band photovoltaics – absence of lifetime recovery
Jacob J. Krich, Bertrand I. Halperin, and Alán Aspuru-Guzik
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Joel Yuen-Zhou, Jacob J. Krich, Masoud Mohseni, and Alán Aspuru-Guzik
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Jacob J. Krich and Alán Aspuru-Guzik
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M. Gullans, J. J. Krich, M. Stopa, J. M. Taylor, H. Bluhm, B. I. Halperin, C. M. Marcus, A. Yacoby, and M. D. Lukin
Physical Review Letters 104, 226807 (2010); arXiv:1003.4508. [pdf ©APS] Inhomogeneous nuclear spin flips: Feedback mechanism between electronic states in a double quantum dot and the underlying nuclear spin bath
Michael Stopa, Jacob J. Krich, and Amir Yacoby,
Physical Review B (Rapids) 81, 041304 (2010); arXiv:0905.4520. [pdf ©APS]Fluctuations of spin transport through chaotic quantum dots with spin-orbit coupling
Jacob J. Krich
Physical Review B 80, 245313 (2009); arXiv:0909.2443. [pdf ©APS]- Spin-polarized current generation from quantum dots without magnetic fields
Jacob J. Krich and Bertrand I. Halperin
Physical Review B 78, 0355338 (2008); arXiv:0801.2592. [pdf ©APS] - Cubic Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling in 2D electron quantum dots
Jacob J. Krich and Bertrand I. Halperin
Physical Review Letters 98, 226802 (2007); cond-mat/0702667. [pdf SM ©APS] - Correlation length and chirality of the fluctuations in the isotropic phase of nematic and cholesteric liquid crystals
Jacob J. Krich, Mark B. Romanowsky, and Peter J. Collings
Physical Review E 71, 051712 (2005). - Helix inversion in the chiral nematic and isotropic phases of a liquid crystal
Benjamin P. Huff, Jacob J. Krich, and Peter J. Collings
Physical Review E 61, 5372 (2000).
Book Chapter
- Ultrafast Spectroscopy: Quantum information and wavepackets
Joel Yuen-Zhou, Jacob J. Krich, Ivan Kassal, and Alán Aspuru-Guzik
in Ultrafast Dynamics at the Nanoscale: Biomolecules and Supramolecular Assemblies, eds. Irene Burghardt and Stefan Haacke, CRC Press (2017)
Other Publications
- Should the United States resume reprocessing? A pro and con
K. J. Dennis, C. D. Holmes, K. Z. House, J. J. Krich, B. G. Lee, L. T. Murray, E. A. van Nierop, J. Parella, D. M. Romps, J. Rugolo, and M. T. Winkler
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 65(6), 30-41 (2009).